
The Sanskrit WordNet is an on-going collaboration between the University of Pavia and the University of Exeter, under the joint direction of William Michael Short and Silvia Luraghi to create a comprehensive lexico-semantic database of the Sanskrit language. It is intended to model Sanskrit's semantic system as fully and accurately as possible, in a form that is machine-interpretable and machine-actionable, and thus suitable to NLP applications of different kinds, especially in the area of natural language understanding.

This project builds on, and extends, original work by Oliver Hellwig for the Digital Corpus of Sanskrit, with Erica Biagetti serving as the project's technical coordinator.


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Get in touch

Project Leads

William Michael Short
Silvia Luraghi

Technical Coordinator

Erica Biagetti

To find out more about the project or learn how to contribute to the project, please contact us via e-mail.

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An intuitive RESTful API makes data of the Sanskrit WordNet easily available on the Web or in JSON format. The complete index of the WordNet is accessible at: sanskritwordnet.chs.harvard.edu/api/index/. To get information for a specific word, use: sanskritwordnet.chs.harvard.edu/api/lemmas/<lemma>/<pos>/<morpho>, where <morpho> is an optional string specifying the morphological characteristics of the lemma. Lemmatization and translation services are also available. Click 'API' to view the complete API reference.